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Theme Park

Theme Park

UK · 21 January, 2024
Service: Water Hygiene Services
Sector: Theme Park


In order to support our client’s exemplary approach to regulatory water hygiene compliance,  AEC were tasked with undertaking Legionella risk assessments across all areas of the theme park, hotel and leisure complexes.


Legionella Risk Assessments 

AEC’s senior water hygiene consultants worked collaboratively alongside the client’s facilities team to plan an out of hours schedule of works that ensured minimal disruption to visitors, alongside the completion of inspections during seasonal closure periods. All risk assessments were carried out in full accordance with L8 ACoP regulations and upon completion AEC assisted the facilities team in the prioritisation of recommended works.

Theme parks face a wide range of challenges for Legionella and management control such as:

• High numbers of varying domestic hot and cold-water services.
• Ornamental fountains and bespoke installations which create aerosols.
• Maintaining high standards and system control of various ride specific water sprays and misting devices.


Training Courses

To further support and enhance their strict compliance approach, AEC delivered a range of training courses to housekeeping and maintenance teams to increase awareness and knowledge, including:

• Legionella awareness
• BOHS P900 – Maintenance and testing of control measures for domestic hot and cold-water systems


AEC have developed a long-standing relationship with the client and continue to provide an ongoing programme of high-level technical consultancy, Legionella risk assessments and training to maintain their high levels of compliance and best practice.


* AEC is UKAS accredited for asbestos surveys, air testing and bulk sample analysis only.

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