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This survey is required to manage ACMs during the normal occupation and use of premises and allows duty holders to safely manage asbestos in compliance with the CAR 2012.
This intrusive survey is required where the premises, or part of it, is being refurbished or demolished. The survey aims to locate and identify all ACMs so it can be removed, before any structural work begins.
Periodic inspections are designed to highlight any deterioration in the condition of ACMs during the normal use of the premises.
Post or drop off your samples at one of our in-house laboratories (UKAS accredited to EN ISO 17025) for accurate and quick results.
If you suspect asbestos containing materials (ACMs) during your work, AEC can attend site to take a sample. Same day results service ensures your programme of works are not disrupted.
Our experienced water consultancy team can advise on a wide range of water related issues to help you maintain safe water systems.
Legionella risk assessments are carried out by AEC qualified assessors and involves physical and administrative checks on your water system and its component parts.
Our experts will work with you to develop tailored solutions and document clearly how you intend to achieve them.  Track and record the progress of remedial actions, record  on-going monitoring tasks to ensure your systems remain safe.

COSHH Assessment

Occ Hygiene
A detailed COSHH assessment which aims to find out how workers are exposed to hazardous substances, what are they exposed to and most importantly to what levels.

Face Fit Testing

Face Fit
Stay compliant and safe. Let our professional testers accurately measure the effectiveness of your RPE with our quantitative face fit test. Face masks also available to purchase.
Ensure that your risk assessments remain accurate and valid. We can carry out ‘regular’ reviews of your legionella risk assessments.
Type 1 and Type 3 fire risk assessments available. Our Fire Risk Assessments are designed to meet the specific requirements of your premises and  all the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
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* AEC is UKAS accredited for asbestos surveys, air testing and bulk sample analysis only.

Book your bulk samples in for asbestos testing today

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