We are proud to give back to the community, and each year AEC staff choose a specific charity to which the monies generated from our fundraising activities will be donated.
In 2024 AEC supported local charities SNAP and The Brick where staff contributed to various events throughout the year. With match funding £1 for £1 from AEC, £3,370 was raised.
Our Charity Bank Details
Your donations are kindly welcome. Please use the bank account details below to make a payment. Thank you:
Bank Name: Airborne Environmental Consultants Ltd
Sort Code: 09-02-22
Account No: 11126971
At the end of the year AEC will donate a % of our profits to support a worthwhile cause . This year AEC is proud to support Manchester Women’s Aid , a charity that supports clients to access confidential help and to provide a holistic, safety-first approach, where the prospect of a life free from abuse is possible.
Although domestic abuse can happen to anyone regardless of gender, sexuality and from any walk of life, women are more likely to experience domestic abuse. The statistics are staggering with two women killed by a partner or ex-partner every week in England and Wales. Domestic abuse is not just confined to violence or sexual abuse but can involve emotional abuse, coercive control, stalking, economic abuse, digital abuse, and many other forms of abuse which can overlap.
You can Support Manchester Women’s Aid by donating here