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Air monitoring

Air Monitoring you can trust

A critical part of a four-stage clearance, you need air monitoring you can trust.  Our consultants are routinely audited in line with UKAS accreditation requirements and participate in the Regular Interlaboratory Counting Exchange (RICE) Scheme in which we maintain Category 1 status.

Emergency out of hours contact: 07899 792 860

Our analytical team offers reassurance air testing, background air testing,  leak air testing  and personal air testing. Fast 24/7 emergency call out available.


Asbestos air monitoring (also known as asbestos air testing) is a requirement of the Control of Asbestos Regulation (CAR 2012) . Its purpose is to monitor fibre levels during the asbestos removal process or if an ACM has been disturbed. It is essential during asbestos four-stage clearances, leading to a certificate of reoccupation. Analysts use specialist equipment to monitor the air and work in accordance with HSE regulations and guidance HSG 248 ‘The Analysts Guide For Sampling, Analysis and Clearance Procedures’.


AEC delivered a great service in helping implement changes to our ventilation systems. As a result of AEC’s indoor air quality monitoring, we were able to make the recommended changes and assess the improvements. We were delighted to have AEC on board in introducing new measures to keep our employees safe at work.

UK Emergency Services Call Centre Manager.

AECs work was carried out in an efficient and highly professional manner, this was carried out in a partnership with SHG where being all items of program, customer involvement and technical advice was shared in weekly meetings. This ensured that all parties from client, customers, removals through to following 3rd party contractors due for follow up works had the information needed for safety and planning.

Mark Harrington, Mechanical Manager

* AEC is UKAS accredited for asbestos surveys, air testing and bulk sample analysis only.

Book your bulk samples in for asbestos testing today

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